When Mom and Dad are busy, there's no better place to be!
Upper Burrell 724-681-9002 Apollo 724-478-1345 Export (724) 325-1447

An Exceptional Learning Experience
When children are ready, they move from the infant room to the toddler room. Many developmental transitions begin in this room. Children begin to follow a more structured and educationally-based schedule. Many toddlers begin potty training with us at the request of their parents. New foods and activities are introduced, and children are given more time to develop social skills through peer interactions and play.
In the Toddler Room, your child will now be officially involved in Activity Time, which includes:
Circle time
Nursery rhymes
Color and shape identification
Story time
Arts and crafts
Fine motor development activities such as building blocks, legos, play-dough, coloring, drawing, and painting
Physical activity/large motor development activities including outdoor and gym play, dancing, and games
Practicing good behavior, sharing, and manners
Preparation for for the Early Learners class
Toddlers will now eat at our regularly scheduled meal and snack times. Our menu is posted by the sign-in table. Your child will also begin to transition from the highchair table used in the infant room to a child-size table with chairs. We do, however, have highchairs in the toddler room for our younger toddlers and to help make the transition from highchair to chair.
Your child will also begin napping during our scheduled naptime. The exact time that each individual child sleeps will vary, and the remaining time will be spent either resting on their cot or in the “Quiet Area” with books and soft toys. Toddlers will transition from cribs to cots (at your discretion) while in the toddler room. Our experienced educators will help your child transition to naptime hours and sleeping on cots.
Toddler teachers provide parents with real-time information and feedback through a free mobile app. Parents can see at a glance what and when their child ate, when they slept, when their diapers were changed, any supplies that are needed, etc. We even send you pictures of your little one throughout the day!